get your racist kid out of here, he needs medical restraints right now, as the worst human i could see to want to fuck with me, he's dangerous, as she is, but violent physically, a moronic person, someone acutely dumb, who needs to leave this situation all alone, and found out right now because whatever it is is responsible for gross damage, and it's knowing, and enabled, such a stupid, idiotic person, who probably posts, to injure, with others, so please leave this situation alone, go find someone to talk to about what you're doing and who's helping you (warning: may be powerful person's fake toy, so i do not want him or her either, it's so brutal
if you're using stalking tools, regular computer users don't use these, you are obviously employed or given privileged access, seeing as I'm typing (autosave is on, but not permanently), to enable an abuser, this isn't right doesn't mean that, and i'll need you to leave me alone, admit to your abuses so someone can stop you, and to please stop this shenanigan, because shenanigan-playing isn't for me, and you knew that initially
if there's something that can be done to fix the damage, of course, but damaged i am now-currently, raped - so that's a definition of rapist, the most proper one, and pedophile attempts time-after-time, to take my innocence and make me someone i'm not, these are the most accurate definitions of pedophilia and rape, these or this is a rapist and a pedophile, and using these rapists and pedophiles makes you one, so all those abuses you wanted to put me through, in addition to these, are yours, you wanted to do what now
that andy soliman is the united states government, and you are not to abuse wantonly, never hurt anyone for no reason, not to post "guns" to mock to echo all your sentiments of torture, at UC, like "eat you alive" so scary just nonsensical, things totally foreign to me
i need the twitter information right forwarded to uk police, me, and everyone involved who is kind, because your abuses of me are historically reminscient of those of The Martin Luther King Jr., and will not be tolerated; it is super obvious, and not just inane, but absolutely scary what you've done with the world, and you happened to be the worst all rolled int one, I don't lie, I improve, and you don't want me to, so just share what I want, and i've never been contacted by the FBI, no, y? am i supposed to, just scary police guys with guns nigga